Yves was a French fashion designer who, in 1961, founded his eponymous fashion label. He is regarded as being among the foremost fashion designers of the twentieth century.

It was so moving and joyful to see Yves taking care of each detail of the clothes, the hair, the shoes— how careful he was. And then he would go in front of the video screen and watch with a smile as the models walked down the runway. He owned the biggest collection of my Harlem photography and I continue to be comforted by the support and enthusiasm that he showed me.

"Woman is Sweeter" Trailer

The music was composed by Galt MacDermot, composer of Hair, the musical. He also sang in the movie

This film is currently for sale. Please email me to inquire in case you are interested.


Yves Saint Laurent putting the finishing touches backstage at his final couture show on January 22, 2002. Featured in “Une Vie Saint Laurent,” Albin Michel, 2011.

Yves Saint Laurent says, on FR3 Channel (France) l’album imaginaire de Samia Saouma number 11, a broadcasting by Agnes Varda, produces by Garance, presented by The National Center of Photography

“A wedding in Harlem. The photographer has a special eye, an eye that sees from the heart. She knows how to capture the unique moment that says it all.

This glowing love, this breathing both grave and fragile, their fascination as they gaze, dazzled, at each other in this public park make us understand happiness, its gravity, its privacy, its delicateness.

Yves Saint-Laurent. Diffusé sur FR3, l’album imaginaire de Samir Saouma, numéro 11. Une émission d’Agnès Carda produite par Garance, présentée par le Centre national de la photographie.

“Un mariage à Harlem. Cette photographe a un oeil rare, un oeil qui vient du coeur, une faculté de capter la seconde unique où tout est dit, cet élan de l’amour, cette respiration à la fois grave et fragile, l’éblouissement de leur face à face dans ce jardin public concourt à nous faire percevoir le bonheur, sa gravité et sa pudeur.

They invited me to their wedding in Harlem, 1982. This picture was in Yves’ bedroom across the bed.

Barrat also directed three films commissioned by Yves Saint Laurent, including a documentary entitled Woman is Sweeter (1973), with music composed and sung by Galt Macdermot (Hair), and a promotional film surrounding the launch of Saint Laurent’s fragrance (1971). I came to Paris to try to sell the film.

A la demande d’Yves Saint Laurent, Martine Barrat dirige trois films sur le travail du couturier : un documentaire du nom de Woman is sweeter (1971) accompagné d’une musique composée par Galt Macdermot (Hair), un film promotionnel tourné à l’occasion du lancement du parfum de St. Laurent (1971), et une vidéo sur l’un de ses défilés parisiens.


 Photographs of the House of Yves Saint Laurent, featured in “Les Paradis Secrets D’Yves Saint Laurent de Pierre Bergé,” Albin Michel, 2009.