These pictures are a homage to Mariko Suzuki, a great designer for children’s clothes. She made this purse and the dress for the little girl, Christina LaBroi. This was for the opening of a show at the Museum of the City in NY in 2001. She was the star of the show in her red dress.

Mariko and Christina, 2001.

Mariko and Christina, 2001.

I love taking pictures of little girls to make them feel beautiful. Once a little sweetheart, Tanisha, told me in the staircase of the Grant project, “I want to put the full moon in my little bag.” With my friends Mariko and Yuki, I am working on the project to make little bags for little girls. In these bags they can put the full moon and their little pictures so they can give them to friends. Little boys want bags for their moon and pictures too.


Designed and fabricated by Mariko Suzuki.