Cultural Project Proposal in Cuba
This large exhibition will showcase my boxing photography to pay homage to Kid Chocolate, and celebrate the intersection of cultures by showing the parallels between boxing and dancing .
There will be a special performance by acclaimed hip hop dancer Bboy Junior, who will be meeting local dancers for a cultural exchange.
This exhibit would include the 20 photos that Mohammad Ali signed, and the photography of Kid Chocolate that he gifted Martine. Great hip-hop dancers performances will be included to show that the dance movement originates from movements in the ring. The main dancer who accepted to come is Bboy Junior which will generate positive press as a cultural exchange between France and Cuba.
Kid Chocolate was born Eligio Sardiñas on January 6, 1910, in Cerro, Cuba. He was a Cuban boxer who enjoyed wild success both in and outside of the boxing ring during the 1930s. He fought in 161 bouts, winning 145 — 64 by knockout — with 6 draws. On July 15, 1930, the Kid became the World Junior Lightweight Champion by knocking out Benny Bass in the seventh round. He retired on December 18, 1938. He was elected to the Boxing Hall of Fame in 1959. He died on August 8, 1988, in Havana, Cuba.
“During the time I spent in Harlem, I heard many stories of Kid Chocolate, the famous lightweight champion from Cuba who lived in Harlem for many years. Finally, in 1984 I went to Cuba to look for Kid Chocolate. My first day there, while walking the streets of La Havana, I approached a group of men playing dominoes. I mentioned to one of them that I knew from the way he held his shoulders that he had been a fighter. He was so surprised that I could tell! When I asked if he knew where I could find Kid Chocolate, he answered, "He is my best friend!" That afternoon we drove in a taxi---a big red 1940 Packard---to Kid Chocolate's home.”
Excerpt from Do or Die
When Kid Chocolate gave me his card, I realized I worked in these specific streets for many years. many people told me about his great generosity to children of the neighborhood.
Havana, Cuba, 1984: Kid Chocolate asked me to take a picture of his grandson in front of his picture.
That was the idea of Kid Chocolate.
Havana, Cuba, 1984: Kid Chocolate and his grandson show me a picture of the Kid as a young boxer.
Photography given to me by
Kid Chocolate

Dancing and Boxing
Hiphop dancing gained influence from the footwork techniques used by boxers.
The inclusion of dance in the exhibition will be very important and will help generate a sense community between dancers and boxers for this big celebration.
Subway Dancers of New York
In the exhibition, my two films on Subway Dancers in New York will be included to connect the bridge between the movements of boxing and hiphop dancing.
More on Subway Dancers here
Bboy Junior
Bboy Junior wants to participate in the exhibit by performing in Cuba alongside local hiphop dancers. The goal is to create a cultural exchange that brings together traditional boxing and modern hiphop dancing as forms of expression that bring people together. I admire him, he is truly fabulous.
Video and slideshow from his instagram @bboyjuniorofficiel
“Je me présente je m’appelle Junior BOSILA BANYA allias BBOY Junior. Je pratique le breaking depuis une trentaine d’année maintenant. Je me nourri de cette danse pour partager des valeurs des messages à travers le monde près de 80 pays visités. Que ce soit pour participer ou être juge à des compétitions, pour faire des spectacles, des shows ou encore donner des workshops ou des conférences. Outres les titres ou distinctions tels que champion du monde et vainqueur du télé-crochet La France a un incroyable talent en 2007 , j ai l honneur d être l’un des danseurs les plus visionnés sur les réseaux sociaux. Martine Barrat est devenue une amie pour moi . J ai tout de suite accroché à sa belle énergie , son talent de photographe et sa capacité à fédérer les gens autour. Lorsque que cette femme passionnée par tout ce qu’ elle entreprend m a parlé de ce projet d événement en hommage à ce grand boxeur qu est Kid Chocolate, j ai naturellement accepté sa proposition d être de la partie ! Surtout après avoir lu le texte que Martine avait fait de cet ami boxeur que j aurai adoré connaître en personne. La boxe et le breakdance ont tellement de choses en commun. Ayant moi même flirté avec ce sport noble durant mon adolescence , j en ai gardé de très bons souvenirs ainsi que certaines valeurs qui m ont accompagné dans ma danse. Pour finir, ce serait un véritable bonheur de connaître la scène danse de ce Pays et partager et échanger avec la population locale.”
“Let me introduce myself, my name is Junior BOSILA BANYA aka BBOY Junior. I have been practicing break dance for around thirty years now. I draw on this dance to share my values and messages around the world, I’ve been to nearly 80 countries. Whether it is participating as a judge in competitions, putting on shows, or giving workshops or conferences. In addition to titles or distinctions such as world champion and winner of the “France Has Incredible Talent” show in 2007, I have the honor of being one of the most viewed dancers on social networks. Martine Barrat has become a friend of mine. I immediately fell in love with her beautiful energy, her talent as a photographer, and her ability to bring people together. When this woman, passionate about everything she does, told me about her project in tribute to the great boxer Kid Chocolate, I naturally accepted her offer to be part of it! Especially after reading the text that Martine had written about this boxer friend who I would have loved to know in person. Boxing and breakdancing have so much in common. Having myself flirted with this noble sport during my adolescence, I have kept very good memories of it as well as certain values that accompanied me in my dancing. To finish, it would be a real pleasure to get to know the dance scene of this country and, share and exchange with the local population.”
Translation by Maria Layus
I’m so proud and happy he wants to participate in this project. You can look at his performance on his social media : @bboyjuniorofficiel and his website https://www.redbull.com/us-en/artist/junior.
Muhammad Ali Signed Photographs
Upon finishing my book, my dream was for Muhammad Ali to write a few lines. Ali asked me to send him my photography. Three days later I received an overnight express envelope. It contained the pictures I'd sent him. Each one was signed differently, with each signature somehow complementing the style of the photograph. I was moved to have received this very special gift.
In the exhibition there will be other famous boxers’ texts included to show their influence.
was an American professional boxer and the longest reigning World Light Heavyweight Champion of all time.
These photos are from the ON|OFF Muestra de Video dialogue in Cuba. It was from May 30th to June 3rd 2017. It was a Dialogue Martine was invited to that included artists from France who went to Cuba, curated by Sara Alonso. The kids from the school participated every day to see Martine’s films about Subway Dancers.
I will never lose the hope in my heart to bring to life this celebration of boxing, dancing and the intersection of cultures.
I know it will happen. Kid Chocolate is watching and cheering for this to become a reality.
Ornette Coleman gave an incredible name to this poster;
“Life is Alive.”
Forewards for my book Do or Die by Gordon Parks and Martin Scorsese

Forewards for Do or Die by Martine