Upcoming exhibit in Arles, France
Rencontre de Arles
Summer 2025
Please watch “The last day at The Rhythm Club” here.
Graffiti made as a beautiful present from a dear friend in Paris, I’m not allowed to put his name because I don’t want him to go to jail.
Upcoming Exhibitions
Rencontre de Arles
Palais de Tokyo, with Francois Gautret and Jay Ramier.
Musee de Luxembourg. Directed by Jerome Neutres.
Participating in exhibition “Soul of the City” at La Galerie Rouge. Showcasing images of the South Bronx, Harlem, and boxing. From May 24th — September 7th, 2024, directed by Agathe Cancellieri.
Participating in exhibition at the Archives Nationales of 50 ans dans l’œil de Libe. From November 7th, 2023- February 18th, 2024.
Participating in exhibition “I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel”, at Galerie Vallois in New York. Showing two photos, the first of Bob Marley taken in my room at the Chelsea after his last concert in New York, and the second is the ex-owner of the Chelsea from the 80’s-90’s taking care of his building. Curated by Dorian Dogaru. More information here.
Participating in exhibition on Helio Oiticica, “Cosmic Shelter,” open from October 12, 2023 to March 30, 2024. Directed by Daniela Mayer at the Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Gallery. More information here.
Participating in “SPOT 24 — the Olympic Exhibition, sport and urban cultures”, opening on October 10th. Showing a film about the dancers in the New York subway. Directed by François Gautret. More information here.
Participating in the Echomusée La Goutte d’Or, “3 Décennies de Resistance.” Directed by Mamadou Yaffa.
Participating in the Agnès B. Paris Gallery, “Children” with several photographs.
Participating in the Palais de Tokyo Exhibition, “Keep The Fire Burning” invited by Jay One Ramier.
Important Participation with my photography and video exhibition Exposition Hip-Hop 360. With my photography from South Bronx where Hip-Hop started December 17th to July 24 at the Philharmonie de Paris, France. Directed by François Gautret. Thanks to François Gautret for what he did with my photography at the beginning of the exhibition.
MONPELLIER, Métamorphose, La Photographie en France, 1968-1989, participating with her photography from Paris La Goutte d’Or.
Participated in Paris Photo 2021. 11-14 November 2021 at the Grand Palais Ephemere in Paris.
Willi Smith: Street Couture Exhibition, Cooper Hewitt, NY. October 21st.
Participated in the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, with photography and text. September 4th to December 5th, 2021.
Urban Films Festival directed by François Gautret. “True Warrior” video shown during an outdoor exhibition celebrating street art and performers, Paris.
Urban Films Festival
“The Birth of Hip-hop With the Gangs of the Bronx” Directed by Francois Gautret and exhibited together with JayOne, a pioneer of graffiti in France, on a big péniche in the middle of Paris. He showed three big paintings of Jay One on one side, and on the other side was my photography and video of the South Bronx was continuously showing. I thought it was a great idea of Francois’s. Upstairs was the restaurant of the péniche.
Exhibition of video and photography initiated by Mamadou Yaffa. La Goutte d’Or Cultural Centre, Paris. In the park of La’Goutte d’Or, Mamadou and Abibou hanged twenty pictures in the park, beside the photos in the museum. I was full of admiration for the way they hung the pictures and was scared they would fall. I thank them for that great idea.
“Keep On Keeping On,” La Place France. Screening of several movies including “Getting Lite” and photographs of the South Bronx photography during the beginning of hip-hop in the 80’s. Showing several of my movies of the dancers in the subway of New York. I found Jean Marc “JM” Mougeot very interesting the way he put the show together, and gave big space for the dancers to practice and enjoy time.
Exhibition of my videos and photography at La Place Hip Hop Center in Les Halles in Paris. L’Archiviste Du South Bronx Pendant Les Annees Hip Hop. Ianthe Thomas.
Read Ianthe Thomas’s full text here
“La Photographie Française existe... Je L’ai rencontrée," Maison Européenne de La Photographie de la Ville de Paris, France.
30 images presented in a Park in Paris Exhibition.
“La Candeur Conquérante, Variation sur les Ecrits Corsaires de P.P. Pasolini,” Groupe Laura, Galerie RDV, Nantes, Paris, Tours.
“Life is Alive” Book Fête du Livre - Aix-en-Provence. October 2016. The title was given by Ornette Coleman.
Martine Barrat photographe française d'origine, vidéaste et réalisatrice, travaille à New York depuis 1968. Célèbre pour ses photos et vidéos d'habitants de Harlem, Brooklyn et du South- Bronx, elle a exposé ses œuvres dans des musées du monde entier, notamment à la Maison européenne de la photographie à Paris. Ses photos sont apparues, au fil des années, dans de nombreuses publications, dont le New York Times Magazine, Life, Vanity Fair, the Village Voice, Vogue, Paris Match, Le Monde, Die Zeit, la Republica, Nikkei Business Magazine et Télérama.
En 1984, une de ses photos a été choisie par Life Magazine comme Meilleure photo de l'année. Le journal Libération disait à son propos que Harlem dans mon cœur (photo ci-contre) n'est pas un monument à la gloire des noirs américains, mais une collection de moments passés en leur compagnie, d'une rare intensité... il est presque impossible de ne pas pleurer, l'émotion est palpable >>. Martine Barrat a également réalisé plusieurs projets commerciaux, pour Max Mara, Nike... ; et pour Virgin, Sony et autres enseignes de l'industrie musicale, une considérable galerie de portraits dont James Baldwin, Ornette Coleman, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, William Burroughs, Bob Marley, Martin Scorsese, Jacques Chirac, Marguerite Duras, V.S. Naipaul, Gordon Parks, Paul Auster...
Summer time in the South Bronx.
Participated in “O Samba Pede Passagem” by Caixa Cultural with lots of my photographs in Mangueira, a favela in Rio de Janeiro, and my photos from the carnival.
Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum. Chengdu, China.
“Intim/Ita,” Musée Kampa, Prague, Czech Republic.
“Chelsea Hotel Through the Eyes of Photographers,” Chelsea Hotel, New York, New York.
“Harlem in my Heart,” solo exhibition, Maison Européennee de La Photographie de la Ville de Paris, France. October 10th, 2007 to January 6th, 2008. Some of the titles written by jazz musician David Murray and a text at the entrance. He performed at the opening as a big surprise. I showed 288 photos, several videos. I was very happy and thankful to the director Jean Luc Monterosso who gave me total freedom to do what I wanted in the exhibition. I thank my two assistants Alexandre Athané and Aïcha Barat.
“Promises and Hopes of the 21st Century: The Government of Change and The Mexican Exodus to the United States 2000-2006,” International Center, New York, New York. Exhibition organized by Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders.
“Black Style Now,” Museum of the City of New York, New York. Included 34 of Barratʼs photographs.
“Joga Bonito,” Nike Studio, Paris, France. Solo exhibition. Organized in conjunction with the World Cup. Photographs from the exhibition were also made into limited edition T-shirts by Nike.
“Dressing for New York City Childhood,” Museum of the City of New York. 37 photographs. And a live performance produced by designer Mariko Suzuki. “Homepage to Designer Mariko Suzuki .”
“La Collection de Photographie Agnès b.,” Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, France. You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Included presentation of photographs and lecture.
“Boxing,” Center for Art and Culture of Bedford Stuyvesant, New York, New York. Photographic exhibition dedicated to Cuban boxer Kid Chocolate.
“Boxing,” Center for Art and Culture of Bedford Stuyvesant , New York, New York. Photographic exhibition dedicated to Cuban boxer Kid Chocolate.
“Pour regarder le siècle en face,” Centre Culturel, Fort de France, Martinique. Organized by UNESCO as an homage to Aimé Césaire. Included 36 of Barratʼs photographs. Traveled throughout the Caribbean and Europe.
“Azzedine Alaïa,” Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands.
“A Century Apart: Images of Struggle and Spirit, Jacob Riis and Five Contemporary Photographers,” Museum of the City of New York, New York. Included 26 of Barratʼs photographs. Traveled to Paris, St. Petersburg, Sweden and Copenhagen.
“Do You See Your Face,” Etablissement Lyonnais d'Art Contemporain, France. Solo Exhibition. Organized in conjunction with the Festival International de la Danse. Included 200 photographs. Title given by jazz musician Ornette Coleman.
“Variations Gitanes,” Musée du Louvre, Paris, France.
“In the Ring,” Snug Harbor Cultural Center (Newhouse Gallery), Staten Island, New York. Exhibition of boxing photographs.
“Galerie du Jour,” Agnes b. Gallery, Paris, France. The galleryʼs annual exhibition. Traveled to Budapest, Tokyo, New York and London.
“This Sporting Life: 1878-1991,” High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia. Organized in conjunction with the 1996 Olympic games. This exhibition traveled to several other cities in the USA, including Buffalo, New York, Springfield, Massachusetts and Wilmington, Delaware.
“Das Herz Von Harlem,” Fotoausstellung Merian New York, Germany, 1993-1995
“Découvertes: An Exhibition of Boxing Photography,” Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France.
“Donʼt You Know By Now,” Philippe Briet Gallery, New York, New York. Curated by jazz musician Ornette Coleman.
“Mois de la Photo,” Musée dʼArt Moderne, Paris, France.
“Splendeur et misère du corps humain,” Musée dʼArt et dʼHistoire, Fribourg, Switzerland.
“My Friends,” French Embassy, New York, New York. Solo exhibition.
“Photographie actuelle en France,” Galerie Municipale, Toulouse, France.
“Harlem Festival,” various venues throughout Italy. Included 100 photographs. Organized by the Harlem Cultural Council.
“Harlem Festival,” various venues throughout Italy. Included 100 photographs. Organized by the Harlem Cultural Council.
“Harlem and Boxing Photographs,” various venues in Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) and Benin. Organized by the French Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
“Martine Barrat,” Musée d'Art Moderne and Galerie du Jour, Paris, France. Solo exhibition. Opened at the Musée d'Art Moderne, continued at Agnès b.ʼs Galerie du Jour for the galleryʼs grand opening, under the name “Mois de la photo,” and then travelled to nine cities in Germany.
“Martine Barrat,” Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Massachusetts. Solo exhibition. “Photographie France Aujourd'hui,'“ Musée d' Art Moderne, Paris, France.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Festival Avant Garde, Linz, Austria.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, ARCI, National Culture Association, Rome, Italy. Included outdoor screenings on large screens for a large music festival.
“Une minute pour une image,” FR3 Television Channel, France. Film by Agnès Varda featuring a photograph by Barrat and commentary by Yves Saint Laurent. Produced by Garance, presented by the Centre National de la Photographie.
“Portrait of Martine Barrat”, Flash 3, French Television, Channel 3
“Presentation of 30 photos of Martine Barrat”, reading of foreword by Archie Moore, Channel 1 “Harlem, South Bronx Photographs,” Nikon House, New York, New York. Exhibition featuring recipients of the Creative Artist Project Services grant
Musee de la Photo, Charleroi, Belgium, March - April
“Evidence”, Henry Street Settlement, Louis Abrons Art Living Center, New York, June - July
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Filmfest München, Munich, Germany
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, New Video Music USA, San Francisco, California. Traveled to several major European cities.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, “Guest Artist Series,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts. Invited by Richard Leacock.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, City of Rome Festival, Rome, Italy.
I Love You, Fuck You, outdoor exhibition in the ruins of Rome, Italy.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Morrisania Neighborhood Family Center, New York, New York.
“Return-Jump,” The Kitchen, New York, New York. A 1979-1982 video retrospective including French artists living in New York. You Do the Crime, You Do the Time was also shown on its own regularly at the Kitchen.
“Paris – New York Marathon”, Mois de la Photo, Paris, November. Invited by the city of Paris to photograph the Paris Marathon. These photos were part of the exhibition.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, The Kennedy Center, Washington, DC. “Photo-Politics”, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, New York, New York.
“Child Boxer”, Galerie de la remise du Parc, Paris, France.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, The Kitchen, New York, New York.
“Photo Politic”, Institute for Art and Urban Resources – P.S. 1, Long Island City, NY
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Bâtiment de lʼAncien Séminaire, Fribourg, Switzerland.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, Network Forum, New York, USA. Sponsored by the Urban Planners and Architects of New York.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, TG Due Television Channel, Italy. Two Sunday night, prime time broadcasts.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, “UCLA Video Series,” University of California, Los Angeles, California.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, “The New American Filmmaker Series,” Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York. Screened throughout the week.
You Do the Crime, You Do the Time, “Schizo-Culture Conference,” Columbia University and The French Embassy, New York, New York. Organized by philosopher Félix Guattari.
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
Museum of the City of New York, New York
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Le Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
La Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
Schomburg Center, New York
Member of The Order of Arts and Letters, French Ministry of Culture and Communication, 2000
The Best Picture of the Year, Life Magazine, 1984
Best Documentary, Milan Film Festival, 1978
Barrat has been invited to give lectures at a number of major universities and cultural institutions, including: the International Center for Photography in New York; Yale University; New York University; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the University of California, Los Angeles; Columbia University; and the Sentier University in Paris.
Between 1968 and 1971, Barrat also created and led workshops for young people in the Harlem, Brooklyn and South Bronx communities in which she has worked. These included video workshops for children from the Grant Housing Project in Harlem and for teenage gang members in the South Bronx and video and music workshops organized in collaboration with jazz musician Charles “Bobo” Shaw and several other jazz musicians and the La MaMa experimental theater club. She has also spoken to high school students in the Clichy-sous-Bois suburb of Paris and at the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut.
Archives Nationales
Mamadou Yaffa organized two big exhibitions in La Goutte d’Or in Paris.
Below are photos from the Urban films festival in 2019 and the Hip Hop 360 exhibition at the Philharmonie in Paris in 2021
Palais de Tokyo
On a big black wall Jay One Ramier put a big poster and I loved it. What was so beautiful was that they put my work so large on the black wall. All the space surrounding the photo was dark and led up to the light that was the photo. Many other friends wrote to me to tell me how well my work was exhibited. Thank you to Jay One Ramier.
JM and I at the opening of the exhibition at La Place.