was a British-born documentary film director and one of the pioneers of direct cinema and cinéma vérité.

March 25th, 1982

To Whom it May Concen,

The M.I.T. Film/Video Section invites distinguished film and video makers to present their work, first, to a public meeting, and on the following day, to a smaller gathering of our graduate students.  

Last week we had the pleasure of screening Martine Barrat’s video tapes and looking at beautiful enlargements of her still photographs.

This is a remarkable body of work that, contrary to the manner in which broadcast television treats serious subjects superficially, is designed for serious people who really want to get into the subjects and try to understand what is going on. 

Both I and my students were very impressed and feel strongly that Martine should be supported so that she can continue her work. 

Richard Leacock